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Your Business Idea

Need help validating your business idea? Checkout the Lean Model Canvas.

Writing a business plan can be overwhelming, we recommend starting with the business model canvas (also known as the lean model canvas).  The lean model canvas is a straightforward tool that helps you sketch out new or existing business models quickly and efficiently, focusing on key elements like your value proposition, customer segments, and resources.

Lost & confused on what’s a Lean Model Canvas? TechStars offers a free course on building your lean canvas.

The Techstars Build Your Lean Canvas course is a structured guide designed to elevate entrepreneurs’ initial business ideas using the Lean Canvas framework. It emphasizes understanding customers, defining problems, and framing solutions, supporting learners through videos, exercises, and practical application steps to refine their business model continuously.

MEDB’s Business Assistance page for information on 1-on-1 consultation, upcoming workshops & webinars.

The Maui Economic Development Board offers extensive support to local businesses in Maui through personalized services, workshops, and networking, focusing on innovation sector growth.

How do I do market research?

Market research involves gathering and analyzing information about markets, industries, competitors, and customers to make informed business decisions. SBA offers a free course that covers the importance of market research in identifying opportunities, understanding customer needs, and assessing the feasibility of a business idea or product.